Did you know that you can support Cambo Pre-school by shopping online?
Every time you shop online via Easyfundraising at one of the 3,300 retailers including Amazon, Next, Clarks, Boots, LEGO, Early Learning Centre, Sainsbury’s, Argos and Booking.com, a donation will be made to Cambo Pre-school and it won’t cost you a penny extra.
It’s really simple to get started;
Go to: www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/cambopreschool/
Sign up for free
Get shopping – your donations will be collected by easyfundraising and automatically sent to Cambo Preschool. It couldn’t be easier!
There are no catches or hidden charges and we will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.
6 December 2023 – Christmas Meal Fundraiser
Fabulous food and company. We raised £240
30 November 2023 – Wreath Making Evening
We had a wonderful evening making our own wreaths.
We raised £130
Our Christmas Party was a great success – we raised £600.
Cambo School and Wraparound Tea Towels – £5 each
Great as Christmas presents for parents, Grandparents, Godparents and friends too.. If you’d like one please contact a member of School or Wraparound.
Halloween Party £375.90 raised.
The Autumn Fayre raised £1,119.49.